PANGEA – The World As One.

Pangea Trading takes a very active approach in understanding your needs from the beginning. ​

Our Expertise

Please contact Pangea Trading at your convenience for an initial consultation. We’ll work with you one on one to determine a roadmap to success. We look forward to working with you soon.

​Call Today: 207-812-1569 Direct or 207-326-2032 Office

Scientists believe that millions of years ago, a supercontinent known as Pangea existed. This supercontinent was made up of all the continents on Earth. Over time, these continents have broken apart, and slowly drifted away from one another. This drift continues today, so that the form the Earth takes today, is not by any means the final shape.

The rubber/tire industry is ever growing at a rapid pace and consists of various market demands. These clear and not so clear separations create micro markets. At Pangea we like to call these opportunities. 

In a world where many businesses seem to focus on a cookie cutter approach, Pangea Trading is a brokerage firm that operates with an open mindset. We remain flexible, think globally, and constantly search for new opportunities. 

Pangea Trading brings businesses in the tire and rubber industry together worldwide. We are always connecting dots and expanding our network. We are continuously searching for new and undiscovered pieces to add to our book of business. 

Our clients are extremely satisfied with our services. Why? Because, we work for you, to find you what you need. It’s that simple. Your needs are priority, not ours.  

Pangea depends 100% on results. We are compensated only when we follow through and provide you with the services that you needed. 
We get great satisfaction when completing a task at hand.

Pangea is best used as an extension of your business. There is no extra overhead when working with us, and no fees for our time and hard work. We are compensated for the product you need once it has been located. Or if you are looking to sell your own product, Pangea will pay you immediately once a sale is confirmed.      

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