Pangea Trading is a brokerage firm which helps companies in the tire and rubber industry find what they need. We work in partnership with our clients to build customized solutions for their specific needs.

Geographically, we work where we are needed. While headquartered in historic Blue Hill, Maine, our clients/team are based throughout the U.S, South and Central America, Europe, and Asia. Pangea serves clients worldwide.


Authenticity. We bring our individuality to the relationship and build a foundation of trust between us and our clients.

Courage. We ask straightforward questions and listen to what’s being said. 

Co-Creativity. There is no single formula for success. Every situation is unique, and we modify our frameworks to help clients solve issues, and make good choices.

Humility. Our egos are checked at the door. The sole focus is on our client’s success, not ours. We are here to help you.

Integrity. We hold ourselves accountable to what is best for our clients’ business and their people, and stay true to that – always.

Sustainability. We take the long view. We are accountable for our use of resources. Period.

About Us

Ready to Explore New Possibilities?

Please contact Pangea Trading at your convenience for an initial consultation. We’ll work with you one on one to determine a roadmap to success. We look forward to working with you soon.

​Call Today: 207-812-1569 Direct or 207-326-2032 Office